You will have 5 to 27 people to accommodate
The organizer will provide a legible access map showing the best routes to the venue and representing the city as a whole. Contact information and directions to the hotel will also be provided. A secure location for the 4 vehicles if possible.
“Ideally, a lodge of sufficient size to accommodate 5 people. The lodge will be heated depending on the season. It will be equipped with a large table, enough chairs and armchairs for everyone to sit. A sink with soap, a shower, towels and a toilet will be in the dressing rooms or nearby. The dressing room will also have a fridge, at least 4 electrical outlets (16 Amps), a mirror, 1 rack with hangers, an iron, ashtrays, glasses and cups, etc… Provide 5 towels available to the artist in the dressing room. In order to quench our thirst and to eat: -bottles of still and sparkling water, wine at the table and access to the bar (always discreet and without abuse) -The ORGANIZER, will provide complete hot meals, plus drink for the number of people provided in the contract, the evening of the concert (Jewish wedding band OZ asks you to avoid spicy dishes and Chinese specialties thank you). – The exact time of the meal will be decided by the group upon arrival (usually before the concert). All of this should be available in the dressing rooms when the group arrives.
Transport logistics will be charged accordingly to the distance to be covered.
Please allow for 5 singles in a two star hotel minimum. Excluded are: Formula 1, 1st Class and any low-end hotel. If you encounter any problems, please notify us as soon as possible. The rooms will be equipped with WC, bath, telephone and television. Breakfasts will be included. All supplements such as telephone calls or mini-bars are not covered by the producer. The hotel will contact each occupant or the group representative. The hotel must be located near the venue (less than 10 km) and in the city center.
Please allow a minimum of 60 minutes. Please allow a minimum of 30 minutes for installation. of balance. Stage plans and sound patches will be provided in advance and the stage must be ready when the orchestra arrives. The lights must be installed according to the indications given and the sound system must be installed and set up. The stage will be stable, solid, immobile, flat and will not have any unevenness, roughness and/or holes. The stage will always be covered when outdoors.
A sound system adapted to the place will have to be installed and fixed for the arrival of the group and carpet installed for percussion and drums Provide a stereo audio output for recording